Just to let you know...I've been probably about 90% successful on the Paleo diet.  The other 10%...well...I've eaten a few things that probably aren't on the *allowed foods* list, but they were healthy.  And that's one of the things I've really enjoyed/learned from this challenge is really paying attention to what I eat.  I've lost 5 pounds.  Now for the excuses for that teensy, tiny 10%...stubbornness (some things like my yogurt in the morning are just really hard to give up), finances (a lot of expenses suddenly came up and meat is expensive).  I guess that's just about it for the excuses.  As for the finances part...remember that hip pain I mentioned.  Well, a Groupon came along for chiropractic, so I bought it.  And I've been going.  And it's been WONDERFUL!  My hip pain is so much better and the mobility in that joint has improved.  Unfortunately I haven't met my insurance deductible so my out of pocket for the needed treatment is...well...a bit much.  But much less than surgery.  And according to the doctor my problems (curving of the spine, hips misaligned) were on a scale of 1-4 with 1 being an *easy* fix and 4 being a *no* fix thus requiring surgery I ranked at a whopping 3.  So there!  Chiropractic here I come.  Fix me please!

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