So school is about to start again.  Can you say...stress?!  This is my last semester of nursing school.  It's all so exciting.  It's all so nerve racking.  I'm ready to be done yet I'm almost terrified of all the changes to come over the next 6 months. What's this semester going to be like?  Where will my clinicals be?  Who will be my clinical instructor?  What are the tests going to be like?  What about that big NCLEX test?  When am I going to study?  How should I study?  I haven't worked out of the house in almost 7 years.  I haven't been through the interview process in over 12 years.  I know nothing about working in a hospital other than what I've experienced through school.  Where am I going to get a job?  How do I get a job?  Can I find a day shift position or will I have to start out working nights because I'm really not a night person?  What organizations should I join?  What days will I be working?  What are my kids going to think?  How will they feel about mom being gone more?  Where are they going to stay while I'm at work?  How is Wade going to feel about cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc on the evenings I'm at work?  Am I scarring everybody for life?!  CAN SOMEONE PLEASE JUST HOLD MY HAND AND WALK ME THROUGH THIS?!

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