Wow!  I can't believe I'm going to divulge so much information about myself.  What am I thinking?  First of all this whole thing started all because my sister gave me a book for my birthday.  A book about the Paleo way of eating.  I guess you could say it started before that.  I've been having some health issues.  Hip pain, fatigue, depression, thyroid problems, psoriasis, hip pain, concentration problems, overweight a tad, asthma.  Did I mention hip pain?  So I guess that is my biggest complaint right now.  It's starting to interfere with family fun.

So...back to the point.  I decided to take this "Paleo Challenge" for a month.  This led me to consider what other *healthy lifestyles* are out there.  This, in turn, led me to consider re-entering the blogging world primarily as a *journal* of sorts to track these new experimental endeavors.

I'll start out by answering those 2 unforgivable questions.  You can thank me later.  I know you would have been embarrassed had you asked.  I weigh, uhhhumm, 174 pounds (said in the quietest whisper).  I'm 34 years old.  I'm 65 1/2 inches tall, bust-40 inches, waist-37 1/2 inches, hips-45 inches, thighs-24 inches, arms-13 inches.

Tomorrow I start the Paleo month challenge.  We'll see what happens!

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