I even made a bunch of extra *dots* since I know we'll lose a few.  And check out those colors!  What kid wouldn't like all those exciting colors to choose from.
This is a project that I started some time ago.  It's a little work/school/project center I created for the boys.  Out of necessity I made a schedule/chart thing to keep us...okay mainly me...on task during the school year.  Ryan's teacher requested the parents read a book every night and work on a few other things too.  I figured a schedule would ensure we actually did the things we need to do each evening.  Poor Ryan is a task oriented kid and I should have done this years ago but I'm not as much organized as I'd like to think i am.  Ryan LOVES the chart.  He has already found a flaw in the morning section (yellow).  It "needs" a TV time.  As for the afternoon/evening (green) it is unpermissable to deviate from the schedule without proper excuse.  After the kids complete a task they can put a dot/square up next to the task.  Ryan really gets into it.  Evan...couldn't care any less at this point.

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